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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

100th Post:)

Hey everyone!

Yes, this is my 100th post! I have been actively taking my meds for my thyroid and they are helping me with my plateau! I'm very excited about that! I have dropped 3lbs. this week and am moving along with this journey. I have 2lbs to get me back to where I was in continuing this journey. My workout buddy is leaving my department at work and my workout session will be changing in about 3 weeks. I love her, she's a great inspiration. She has lost over 100lbs and she just made lifetime for WW. I'm not interested in being that small, but I am interested in being smaller, duh! So, I posted on Facebook appealing to family and friends looking for an after work workout buddy. Thing is I have 2 small kids my hubby works most evenings and I will have to workout with someone who won't have much of an issue with my schedule. I didn't think I would get much response. The response is overwhelming with family and friends who want to do some form of activity and you know people are always good to talk about it, but not so much of being about it. It should be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm not a big fan of using the machines, I get bored easily, I love the classes or workout DVD's or even the fitness for on Demand. I will keep you posted on what happens. Anywho, I just wanted to check in and let you know that I am still chipping away at this weight loss and am still moving forward to changing my life and to become 40 lbs smaller.

By the way, I finally got my camera, so I will posting pictures of myself and vlogging on Youtube! Excited about that.


  1. Happy 100th post! Look forward to more posts and vlogs.

  2. Hooray for a Hundred! Great that the weight is moving down again.

    Thnk of exercise as something fun--play, alone-pondering time, whatever. Having smaller sessions can be as or MORE effective than long, boring ones if the intensity is varied and intervals of high intensity (really high, breathing hard) intensity are thrown in.

    Have fun finding stuff that works for you...
