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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Update/New Hobby/Introducing exercise to kids

Hey all!

All is well in my world. I am still having my 6 meals a day. I am exactly 1 week away from the Vegan Fast. I have start pulling dairy out of my diet this week, I have been having a sugar issue lately, headaches. My goal is to get rid of sugar for about 6 months. With the goal of giving it up totally. Easier said than done. But, we are ending January on a high note. The workouts with the hubby is still running smoothly. He has been stepping his game up as well. As he has been working out 2 times a day 3 days week on his days off. I'm proud of him. It motivates me to see him want to keep up the good job as well. I need to stay motivated and focused.

My daughter is so interested in yoga(4 years old). We went to the basement(our workout area) over the weekend and did yoga together, she was having a good time until 15 minutes in and wanted to give up(it's 30 minutes long). I also have the Kinect games that we have been keeping her active in during this cold season. I hope to keep her interested and active as well. So far so good! 30 days today that she has been interested in doing a physical activity each day and I have been making sure that she gets it in!

Lastly, I picked up a new hobby. If you know me personally, you know that I am always on the hunt for a good deal. I like to spend money on smart things like, investing in my children's and family future. Planning for vacations, Disney this year and 10 year wedding anniversary trip to Hawaii in 2 more years. We will be gone for 10 days and renewing our vows, its very expensive and I have had to dip into the money on emergency at times, but we are still moving forward. I love to thrift, for myself and my children and about 2 months ago I decided to get into couponing!

I was really bad at first, and thought it was complicated. I started off with just 1 Sunday paper, a few blogs, youtube and this has turned into the best hobby! My goal is to save money at all cost. I hate to blow money on silly things. And, whoa! Over the course of the last 25 days(because I just got good at it) I created a huge binder, separating all of my coupons by category, found the best youtubers, blogs and websites and can honestly say. I got it going on! This month I have picked up the following:

Fabric Softener
Dishwashing Liquid
Dish Detergent
Laundry Detergent
Toilet Cleaning systems
Paper Towel
Pull ups
Air Freshners
Brita Water Pitcher

I have not spent more that $4 out of pocket when leaving a store on my purchases, most times I have come out spending only change or better yet, $0.00!!! I am so happy that this is working well. I am trying to learn my grocery store, currently researching coupon policy, looking for stores that double or triple manufacture coupons. I'm on a mission!

So far this month, I have spent a little under $25 on all of the items mentioned and have shared some of these items with my mother. I have $15 in mail in rebates. My $50 per month spending is going well. Today is January 25th, and I have $8 left to spend on myself. I purchased Bath and Body works body wash(my favorite)(before semi annual sale, $30, accessories at Target for $12). Let's see how I can knock out this last $8 if not, I will save it and slide it into next month!!! Happy Saving!

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