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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I just wanna see my collarbone again!

This morning, I woke up and decided that its time to set some weight loss goals. As I contemplated on what I wanted: wear a freakum dress to both weddings I'm going to next summer, look super hot while cruising next fall, buy a whole wardrobe this time next year or once I've reached goal or be the hottest thang at my surprise 30th birthday party next year! Yes, I said SURPRISE. I then came to the conclusion that I want the simple things. I want to see my curves again. I want to see my hips again. I want to see that hot booty again. I just wanna see my collarbone again. So, today, I have decided my ultimate goal is to wear a size 10 jean and have a million strapless tops and dresses in my wardrobe to show of my collarbone, great arms and nice shoulders. In the meanwhile, I am sitting mini goals:

Current weight: 215
Under 200, at 199: Buy charm necklace and bracelet I have been eyeing.
180: Mani Pedi twice a month
170: Take a trip to Chicago with the hubby
160: Get a massage
150: (Presently my ultimate goal!) Buy a wardrobe!

As this journey progress, my ultimate goal weight could possibly, be smaller But, I will worry about that when I get there.


  1. Sounds like a good, sensible and doable set of goals to me.

    I would also like to see more than peeks of my collarbones. Isn't it funny how us girls place so. much. importance on that one thing? :D

  2. Hmmm ... a collarbone? What is this thing you speak of? I don't think I have one of those. *wink* I think your goals sound very doable, and I'm with you on the new wardrobe. What a glorious day that will be to actually go shopping in a normal size clothing store. Can't wait! :)
