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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weigh In

Before I talk about my weigh in today, let me tell you I was craving chips on Sunday, went out and picked up some Fritos, yes, Fritos. And as I sat in the bed watching all of the crime stories my heart could take...I had one, two, three, 30! WTH! I was so mad at myself that I decided not to have anything but 0 point soup for dinner. I wasted a good 'cheat' on FRITOS! Girl, bye! Anyway, so, I weighed in today and I am down 2lbs! I'm so excited! This is the first time that I've gone more than a week on a weight plan and stuck to it! Its sad but, true. I learned today that you have to have commitment, and I am committed to losing this weight for my babies, I want them to know that their mom will be there to run with them and go to the park and play and be at basketball games and soccer games(my little girl wants to play soccer and she wants to a gymnast), but this is my goal. I'm doing this for the loves of my life. Anyway, happy eating! Watch what you are eating, be conscious of what you put in your mouth and get up and walk, you will thank yourself later! and so will your family!

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